Thursday, February 2, 2012

Brothers and Sisters

She couldn't help but be excited although she had told herself not to be many times now. But today is the day! It was finally happening she screamed in her head used every bit of strength she had not to do so where others could on this crowded New York City street. The sun had just set on this happy day. It was over she cried.
She went to the newest fashion store and picked out the most exotic and beautiful dress she could find. She next went home and began carefully putting on her makeup in the three room apartment she owned. When she finally had on the exact right amount she stepped away from the mirror. Her skin appeared flawless without the makeup and she smiled a wide grin showing her large canine looking teeth. Suddenly aware of this she stopped and made her lips remain over her teeth.
The dress she now wore was small and black, and seemed to simultaneously ooze sexuality, beauty and class, complimenting her skinny frame and brown hair. Her appearance gave her the air of a princess. This was her moment after all having worked for it for so long.
At eight o'clock she grabbed her small and stylish purse and began the walk to the restaurant, a Russian place named  Brats ye Sestras with fine cuisine from all over the globe. She walked the four blocks in under thirty minutes getting not so pure looks from the men as they passed and looks of jealousy from the women. She is on top of the world.
She entered through the front door and completely skipped the line waiting to get in, walking right up to the large Russian native bouncer who grinned when he saw her.
"Ohlekh! Kak dyellah, ye braht?" The woman asked loudly almost strutting with excitement. She is so close she can feel it.
"Huhrowshuh! Stareewihneh xdateh tebs, Sestra Maria." They kissed each other on the cheek and Marie walked straight in and to the back table where other markable examples of the of beauty sat, male and female.
"Zdrastfetyeh, Braht ye Sestras!"
"Hello Marie."
She sat and they talked until no light came from the sky. When it did the left Oleg in charge and got into their cars. The brothers and sisters drove and drove until they reached a small town in New Jersey. They stopped at one house and Marie left by herself and walked around for three hours until she came across a young teen. Marie barred her massive canine teeth showing their true points and walked towards the girl.
When Marie got back to the cars there was a tear in her dress and and blood all over her chin. The male by the name of Nicholi spoke "Now you are truely our Sestra, Marie"

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